Overview of Blogs posted by Risk Society.

Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) VS. Development Risk Management (DevRM)
Created: 29 July 2016 Traditional Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) was first introduced and actively practiced in private sector. Recently more and more public sector organizations
Risk Landscapes and International Development
Created: 10 December 2015 Published at the PM World Journal, Vol. V, Issue II, February 2016 Everyone has their own “risk landscape”, representing a set
Understanding Risk: Concepts and Implications for Development Aid
Created: 01 September 2015 Risk is quickly becoming a buzzword in development aid. The importance of this concept to the success of any development intervention
Risk Landscapes and Development Interventions
Created: 24 March 2015 All of us as individuals and as the representatives of different communities, professional associations, social or ethnic groups; we all have
Exploring Three Italian Earthquakes as Models for Disaster Resilience Planning
Created: 26 September 2014 Guest blog: Barbara Lucini, PhD, Phd Sociology and Methodology of Social Research Catholic University of Sacred Heart, Milan Idra – Itstime