I. Overview of the Training Programme

The world is getting more interconnected and interdependent. This creates increasing uncertainties for development interventions. Such uncertainties can either be turned into opportunities or may become obstacles or challenges on the path to development goals. Risk management deals with the uncertainties inherent to any development intervention. By identifying and analysing these uncertainties, development actors will be better placed to make informed decisions and will deliver better results on the ground

This objective of the training programme is to equip participants with skills and knowledge that will enable you to embrace uncertainties, recognize the emerging patterns of change, and successfully deliver developmental results.

During the training you will learn:

  • The difference between uncertainties and risks
  • How to identify and assess risks
  • How to use risk management to design and implement strategies
  • How to use risk management to increase effectiveness and efficiency of projects and programmes
  • How to use risk management to enhance transparency and improve communication among development partners
  • How to increase risk awareness within an organization and take accounts of the human factor in effective risk management
  • How to apply concrete tools to identify, asses and respond to risks in your daily practice.

II. Agenda

December 7th, 5pm:   A  Dutch-style welcome reception.

December 8th:

Risk management and development practice

  • Introduction to Risk Management for Sustainable Development

This session introduces the concepts of ‘risk’ and ‘uncertainty’ and discusses the difference between a threat-focus mentality and an opportunity management perspective in development practice.

  • Scenarios and Scenario Based Strategies

Introduction of the ‘concept of futures’ and how anticipation of the future can inform development practices. Paul de Ruijter (the Netherlands), a leading expert in the field, will introduce scenario planning. Participants will discover how scenario planning can be used to help development actors strategize ways of responding to imminent social and economic challenges in the developing world today.

December 9th:

Risk Management: theory and practice

  • Understanding the Risk Management Concept

This session will introduce the concept of risk management based on the ISO 31000 guidance standard. Participants will learn and practice how to apply an integrated risk management framework in their own projects and programmes. The latest trends in risk management for development in leading international organizations will be discussed.

Participants will learn the difference between various types of risks. You will get concrete tools to identify and assess risks, as well as define risk response measures at various levels.

  • Integrated risk management: National Risk Assessment in the Netherlands

Dr. Marcel Mennen, National Institute of Public Health and Environment, Centre for Environmental Safety, the Netherlands, will present a practical case of national risks assesment in the Netherlands.

December 10th:

Mainstreaming Risk Management in Development Initiatives

  • Governance and Complexity

Dr. Martijn van der Steen, deputy dean and deputy director of The Netherlands School of Public Administration, will introduce the challenges and opportunities for effectivbe governance in the context of development cooperation.

  • Risk Management in Development Interventions

How risk management can be mainstreamed in development interventions: at the design phase; at the implementation phase; and at the exit stage.

  • Group work

Participants will be divided into small learning groups. In the group you design a integrated risk management framework based on a project, programme, or strategy taken from your area. Each group will present the results.

December 11th:

Mainstreaming Risk Management: Group work

  • Human factor in risk management

The presentation will demonstrate how the risk perception and risk tolerance can impact decision-making and how risk management culture can support delivering developments results.

  • Presentation of Group work and discussion
  • A guided tour in The Peace Palace, in The Hague.